PolitiSIZE, hosted by Substantia Jones, is a four-part radio series airing Thursday afternoons during February and March of 2014 on WBAI 99.5 FM in New York City and streaming live at http://stream.wbai.org. The show features activists, newsmakers, and science types in conversation about sizeism, anti-discrimination legislation, body autonomy, adipositivity, the power of nomenclature, the importance of visibility in marginalized populations, the $66 billion/year US weight loss industry, the dangers of weight bias in medical professionals, intersectionality in activism, Health at Every Size, minority stress, how to read scientific studies without commerce-fueled spin, body politics, fat athletes, what your weight says about you (spoiler alert: it indicates how big a shadow you cast, and not much else), fatshion, entertainment, sex, art, feminism, and most things relating to fat bodies.

Substantia Jones is the founder of and photographer for the photo-activism campaign The Adipositivity Project (http://adipositivity.com), and runs both SmileSizeist.com and UppityFatty.com. She has spoken about fat politics in the US on NPR, Sirius/XM, and The Pacifica Radio Network, as well as on radio stations in Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. She’s contributed to books by Random House, Seal Press, Ten Speed Press, and Vignette, and has lectured on her photography at Parsons School of Design in New York City. Her work has appeared internationally in and on such outlets as CNN, Telemundo, The New York Times, The Boston Globe, Jezebel, The Feminist Press, Bust Magazine, The Daily Mail, Feministing, Columbia Spectator, AOL News, Time Out New York, The Utne Reader, Volup2 Magazine, Sociological Images, Viz, Alila Magazine, iVillage, Diva Magazine, and The Huffington Post. In 2006, she was biographied in Who’s Who in America, though under the name her mamma gave her. She lives in New York City, where she produces and hosts the weekly music show Thump and Growl on WBAI 99.5FM. She likes cumulus fractus clouds, dogs' armpits, and wedging Monty Python quotes into inappropriate places.


(If the cookies in your browser history show that you've already listened to one of the archives below, you will no longer be able to listen to that episode from that browser. Sorry. It's a licensing thing. If you missed something and need another go at it, try switching to another browser or device.)
Episode 1 - 2/6/2014
Guests include free-range fat activist and author of the book Fat!So? Marilyn Wann covering Fat 101, and actress and model Janie Martinez discusses fighting back against sizeist threats and harassment.

Episode 2 - 2/27/2014
Guests include Hanne Blank, author of Big Big Love and The Unapologetic Fat Girl's Guide to Exercise and Other Incendiary Acts, discussing fat sexuality. In the second hour we're joined by internationally fierce Neo-Burlesque artists Dirty Martini and World Famous *BOB*, discussing body positivity in performance.

Episode 3 - 3/6/2014
Guests include BMI researcher Jack Ward, telling of diet industry -fueled corruption in the world of medical research and public health policy, and Ragen Chastain, author, blogger, activist, fat marathoner, three-time world champion in dance.

Episode 4 - 3/27/2014
Guests include Jenna Weintraub, Sexuality Educator discussing the relationship between body shame and the sexual development of young girls, Brenda Oelbaum, President of the National Women's Caucus for Art discussing her Venus of Willendorf Project and upcoming "The Fearsome BMI" art events, Amanda Gilliam, Anthropology Scholar discussing intersectionality and fat from an anthropological perspective, and Sarah Robles, Olympic Weightlifter sharing her experience as a successful fat athlete. With contributions from Kelly Shibari, producer of the upcoming “Jessica Drake’s Guide to Wicked Sex: Plus Size,” and Cat Pause, host of New Zealand's Friend of Marilyn radio show.

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